Thursday, December 4, 2008

Transitions...Part 1

A dear friend of mine brought a blog post to my attention today. The author of the post was commenting on a quote from a book she had just finished, entitled "Don't Waste Your Life" by John Piper. Although I have not read the book, I identified deeply with the quote.

"But if the discontent with your present situation is deep, recurrent, and lasting, and if that discontent grows in Bible-saturated soil, God may be calling you to a new work. If, in your discontent, you long to be holy, to walk pleasing to the Lord, and to magnify Christ with your one, brief life, then God may indeed be loosening your roots in order to transplant you to a place and a ministry where the deep spiritual ambitions of your soul can be satisfied. It is true that God can be known and enjoyed in every vocation; but when he deploys you from one place to the next, he offers fresh and deeper drinking at the fountain of his fellowship. God seldom calls us to an easier life, but always calls us to know more of him and drink more deeply of his sustaining grace. "

I have hesitated to write much lately due to the transition I am currently in. I know the Lord is leading me out of my comfort zone and into a what feels like a "do you have the courage to take a risk even if you fail?" zone. Sure, I would move to Uganda tomorrow without a hesitation. A three month trip to Indonesia in a few weeks? I'm there, just put me on the plane! But to do what I feel the Lord is leading me to do right now, what I can't write about yet, do I have the courage to trust Him with that? What if the idea of it really puts knots in my stomach? I am following Him down a road I have never been on before. And that quote helped me understand that it is ok for me to be searching deeply...

1 comment:

Kazmin Nye said...

"Trustin the Lord with all thy heart and lean not unto thine all thy ways acknowledge him...and he will direct thy paths" Proverbs 3:5