Saturday, February 16, 2008

Another Trip

Hehe, well, I am finally getting back to my blog. With another trip around the corner, I decided this is as good a time as any to get back in the habit of writing and posting my journal. I love reading other people’s blogs so I might as keep up on my own.

Yes, another trip is planned, this one happened rather suddenly - well kind of. In less than one month, I will be standing on African soil in Jinja, Uganda with my friends Paul and Pam Hunter of Next Generation Ministries . I have always dreamed of going to Africa, and I am more excited about this trip than any other I have been on. I will be gone for 3 weeks - long enough to experience life in Africa but not long enough that I have to make any major changes.

My heart has been stirring to go overseas again. Seems like about once a year I need to “go”. It brings me life and perspective. Lets see, I have gone somewhere every year since graduating from nursing school. Hawaii - 24, Turkey - 25, Singapore / Malaysia / Indonesia - 26, England - 27, AFRICA - 28!

Brian and Stephanie are flying back from 5 weeks in Uganda, so they will be able to “prep” me for my trip. I had originally wanted to go with them, but the timing just didn’t seem right. I knew that I would go someday, but I had no idea it would be so soon after they returned. I can’t say I have a “thus saith the Lord, you are going to Africa”, but I do have a peace and a confidence that He has put this in my heart and He is pleased for me to pursue it.

The Lord has spoken to me about this trip being marked with confidence and a peace in my identity as His daughter. Even now, I am not “second guessing” my decision to go, (like I have in the past). Yes, many of the dynamics are different, the plan is not so ambiguous as in times past, but ultimately I have a peace and abandonment that I haven’t had previously. More to come…….


EllaJac said...

Woohoo! A globetrotter, you are.. I too am so excited for this trip! I'd still like an African... African, please.

EllaJac said...
