My friend, and Best Room Mate Ever, is getting married in less than two months. I am thrilled for her and her fiance. We have been here for almost two years. It has been a good season, but it is time for her to move on. She is hard to replace though. Finding a good room mate these days is kind of a challenge. I haven't really "advertised", but I have gotten the word out by word of mouth but the prospects haven't been to promising. I told my landlord too. She came over this morning and told me she "found a room mate for you, his name is so and so." I'm like, "who?". She said, "so and so". "Its a guy?" I asked. "Yeah, he is looking for a room mate cause his just moved out". I'm like, "I need a girl room mate." "O, but he is really nice." I'm like, "Uh, no thanks." I guess you have to be pretty specific with these things...