Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Here and Now

I love updating my blog...can't tell by looking at it right now though. I haven't written anything since Novemeber? That can't be! How did that happen? O well, here I am again anyway :-)

Back to school tomorrow. Second half of Anatomy and Physiology. I am also taking an online Pyscholgy class and finishing the online Algebra class.

Came through last semester with a 4.0. People keep saying that I must be really smart, but I think it has more to do with working really hard. I know in my mind that grades aren't really that important, but I really want to do well and put forth my best work. If I get less than an A, I know that I could have done better. I often wish that I could just not care what I get, seems that the people who do that have more fun. Anyways, I think maybe that is just who I am. I like school and I like learning and I do well in a classroom. I might as well excel at what I do well and not compare myself with other's expectations, or lack of.

A year ago, I was planning a trip to Rochester, MN for a job interview. I was leaving Blackfoot. I was leaving Idaho. I was trying to obey what I felt the Lord was prompting me to do. But I am here. I was offered the job, and for more than I make now. But the Lord told me not to take the job. That doesn't make sense. Why go through all that - the applying for jobs, the Minnesota nursing license, the plane ticket, the hotel rooms, the rental cars, the cold of Rochester, the turmoil of telling my boss that I was leaving...not sure where, but I was leaving.

And I am here. "This is the way, walk in it". The illuminated letters above the door option called "Blackfoot". But why Lord? I thought I was on another adventure with You? I thought we were going somewhere and you were opening NEW doors for me to walk through. You said Blackfoot was too small for me. But nevertheless, I want to obey you. Not only obey you, but trust you, even if I am not hearing you right. Trust you to lead me because my heart is yours.

So here I am. Location is not the point. Proximity to large populations is not important. Living in the Kingdom is the focus. Blackfoot may be too small, but when I am seeing with the eyes of my spirit and living before the Lord, physical location is unimportant to Him. If I can cultivate a heart that is His and His alone, the world is at my door step. He can take me where He wants me, and bring people to me for His Kingdom purposes.

I am happy to be here. I love school. I love my job and people I work with. I find little things every day that bring joy to my heart. I like who I am becoming. I think that God is doing a good work in me and He will get what He deserves from me.

So here I am, living not in regret or disappointment, but in thankfulness and expectation. Here and Now, for the glory of God...

1 comment:

S. E. Harrison said...

Well, I absolutely know that God is doing s wonderful work in you. You (and your grades) are an inspiration to everyone around you to reach up, beyond what they see around them. Blackfoot is too small for you, that is why we live in the Kingdom...where there are no borders to be crossed and the population increases all the time. I am excited to see where He takes you next!