Sunday, September 14, 2008

Yellowstone with Friends

This weekend I have been graced with the company of some very dear friends that I met in Singapore two years ago. They are missionaries to southeast Asia and are based out of Singapore. Deborah and Cornelio came to see me in Blackfoot! And since it was Cornelio's birthday yesterday, we took a surpise trip to Yellowstone National Park. It has been over 8 years since I had been to the park, so it was blast to see it again myself and to show it to people who have never experienced it before. We saw lots of critters - more than I had ever seen in previous visits. Hundreds of buffalo, several elk, deer, cranes, and a coyote.
Cornelio, Deborah, and me - enjoying each other's company.

Enjoying pita sandwiches at Old Faithful


Katie said...

Beautiful photos!

S. E. Harrison said...

Wow, your pictures made Yellowstone look beautiful and fun. Not many people can do that...