Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ants for Dinner....NOT!!!

The other day in the market we came across a seasonal item - fried ants. Syd and I talked about trying one - ONLY ONE - and Grace obliged us (Thankyou Grace). She brought home a whole bag this afternoon and fried them up. Yikes, they didn't look too bad at the market - small enough to pop one in the mouth, receive a star for my "Things I Have Eaten in Other Countries and Wish I Hadn't" badge, and then be done with it. However, they plumped right up in the skillet, grew legs, and filled the kitchen, uh, no, actually the whole house with a funky dead fried ant smell. Grace ate two in the kitchen, Syd ate a mouthful, Alfred ate a bowlful, and Terrese ate two or three handfuls, and I ate - NONE! Pam walked in and we told her that Grace brought ants home - Pam wasn't very happy and asked that they not be placed on the dinner table. Thank you Pam! However, when I was doing dishes tonight I ran across a bowlful of........I screamed, asked what was in the bowl (knowing full well what they were) and promtly washed them down the sink. Someone didn't eat their ANT LEGS!!!!

1 comment:

EllaJac said...


